Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Work Integrated Learning For Business †

Question: Discuss about the Work Integrated Learning For Business. Answer: Work integrated learning for business graduates. Article explains that Integrated learning help students in exploring their skills and gaining practical knowledge. Qualitative method is used into the research as according to the researcher this method is suitable for the results of the subject. Participants involved into the research are business graduate students. Research involves activity of collecting samples to receive correct results. Integrated learning shows positive results of the article as through this students get a platform to expose their talent. Further, integrated learning will have positive impact on the knowledge of the student. The major strength of the article is that it brings out the best from the student. Further, the article also suffers from some of the weaknesses, major amongst which is short sample size taken for the research. In the conclusion researcher says that integrated learning leads to the skill development of the student and awareness of the responsibilities amongst the students. Article helped r esearcher to answer that business students are work ready as they are ambitious towards their career and want to explore their knowledge. Employability skill development in work-integrated learning: Barriers and best practice. The given article aims at exploring barriers and best practices in the area of work integrated learning. During work placements student experience new things and their skills gets develop. Researcher conducted research by using Quantitative method of research and the instrument used by the researcher in the article is the observation and paper surveys. Subject matter was related to students for that 131 undergraduate students were selected for the research. Random sampling method was used by the researcher that involved more than 250 participants and more than 80 percent of participants responded positively. Some of the findings are activities like planning and appraisal on performance were supported by all the students. Work integrated learning results in solving problem, inspiring students, increasing communication and potential of students increases while working with experienced ones. Researcher also found that students feel uncomfortable while working with confident and experien ced students as well as miscommunication and disturbance was faced by students while working with different culture and language students. Article also reflects its strength that interaction between different students increases. Although the research was conducted properly but it is possible that the sample might not representing the entire population perfectly, in this situation the results might not be 100 percent correct. Researcher concluded by saying that work integrated learning is important for students in order to minimize stress, student becomes more confident while interacting with experienced student and learning is faster. Business students are work ready as work integrated learning helps student in gaining experience. Employers view towards work integrated learning. Article focus is on employers point of view towards hiring business graduates as they are new and fresh talent with innovative ideas. Researcher used Quantitative and Qualitative method of research, as according to the subject of the research this method will bring the best results. Graduate students were involved as the sample of the research. Research study includes some finding like the concept of work integrated learning is suitable for todays environment as it fulfils the gap between academic studies and practical knowledge and student feels motivated. Researcher felt that the strength of the research are type of participants that were present and gave proper information, but weakness is sample size because it was not representing the total geographical area. Conclusion of the article is integrated learning is motivating and teaches student time management. Article helped researcher to know that business students are work ready as it enhance their skills and brings out the best from them. Dimensions of work integrated learning for students. Aim of the article is to show that the business graduate students are work ready and even leads to the success of the business. Quantitative method is used by researcher for this research and the participants that were involved in the research are business graduate students, according to the demand of the research subject. Researcher also used sample for his research and the method used by him is face-to-face interviews. Researcher noticed some important points that are work integrated learning is favored by the students, employers interest is in hiring graduates that are work ready and with this students gets motivated. It is also noticed that the trend of hiring business graduates is increasing. Article reflects the strength of the research is work ready graduates are attracting employers. Researcher also found weakness of this article was method of sampling. The researcher concluded that business graduate students are preferred by employers as they can provide new and innovative i deas that can be beneficial for the business. Researcher answered by saying that integrated learning is beneficial for students as well as for employers. The impact of work placements on skills development and career outcomes for business management graduates. Article aims at exploring results for business graduates on their skill development and career objectives of work placements. Article comprises of quantitative and qualitative research methods as these methods will provide proper results. According to the subject of the research, participants were businessmanagement graduates. Multistage sampling method was used into the research. Main findings by researcher is that work placement has positive impact on skill development of business graduates. Work placements helps student to convert their theoretical knowledge into practical with that employer acquire fresh talent with innovative ideas and experience is gained by student which is important for their career. Easily availability of participants is the strength of the research and in spite of the fact that research was conducted smoothly but may be other research methods could be used for the research. In the conclusion researcher found that work placement help students to develop thei r skills and employers also get benefit of this. Outcome of the article depicts that the business graduate students are work ready because they seek jobs after completing their graduation. References Wilton, Nick. 2012. The impact of work placements on skills development and career outcomes for businessmanagement graduates. Studies in Higher Education 37 (5): 603-620. doi: 10. 1080/03075079.2010.532548. Staehr, Martin and Chan. 2014. Dimensions of Work Integrated learning for students. Journal of Information technology education: Innovations in practice 13 : 1-11. McArthur, Kubacki, Pang and Alcaraz. 2017. Employers view towards work integrated learning. Journal of marketing education. 39(2). Jackson, Denise. 2015. Employability skill development in work-integrated learning: Barriers and best practice. Studies in Higher Education 40(20): 350-367. doi: 10. 1080/03075079.2013.842221. Abery, Drummond and Bevan. 2015. Work Integrated learning for Business graduates. Student success journal 6(2) : 87-91. doi:

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