Monday, May 18, 2020

Gay Marriage Should Be Legalized - 938 Words

Gay marriage is in fact a controversial topic that many people feel strongly about. I believe that gay marriage should be legalized without being penalized by people who disagree with it. I will, within reason, explain to you why gay marriage should be legalized and argue against Karlee’s essay about why gay marriage shouldn’t be legalized. The first thing Karlee talks about in her opposing essay is, â€Å"Children of same-sex couples, biological or not, need both a mother and a father in their life.† In an article on, Do Children Need Both A Mother and A Father? it mentions that, â€Å"...there is almost no social science research to support this claim.† Another great point it includes is, â€Å"...the researchers found no evidence of gender-biased parenting abilities†¦ noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children’s psychological adjustment and social success.† As said in the article, children with same-sex parents â€Å"do as well on average as children raised..:† by opposite gender parents. Another thing I will point out in Karlee’s paper is the statement she mentioned, â€Å"Those children will hunger for a mother like figure and a father-like figure.† Although that may be true, if one were to a sk a kid, would you trade your parents? Their immediate reaction would be normal because no matter the gender, parents are parents. Children will love their parents, they’ve been there for them through everything, no matter what.Show MoreRelatedShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized?1313 Words   |  6 PagesCredit – Should gay marriage be legalized? Marriage is considered to be the rite of passage from an religious point of view, it is considered as holy matrimony before the eyes of God. Attraction between individuals of the same sex has been a topic of debate. However, over the past few years gay individuals made a decision to our grievances of oppression despite receiving tremendous critics from the public. Initially, gay marriagesRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized?935 Words   |  4 PagesThere is a lot of controversy about gay marriage and whether or not it should be legalized in certain states that haven t yet legalized it. My opinion on this topic is that it should not be legalized for various reasons. My reasons on this have nothing to do with religion because religion shouldn’t have anything to do with their opinion; religion is a biased opinion because of its authenticity. Another thing that shouldn’t be considered is their opinio n that doesn’t have a reasoning behind it likeRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized?1705 Words   |  7 PagesPaper Option 1 Gay marriage has and still is a huge controversy in the United States. I will say though that the U.S. has come along way when it comes to same-sex marriage. As of November 20, 2014 gay marriage is now legal in thirty-five of the fifty U.S. states. Massachusetts was the first state to legalize same-sex marriage in May of two thousand and four. As of October ninth two-thousand and fourteen, only sixteen out of one hundred and ninety-four countries allow same sex marriage. By those oddsRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legalized1379 Words   |  6 PagesName: Tutor: Course: Date: Gay Marriages Marriage is considered as hypothetically speaking, a rite of passage whilst from the religious point of view, it is considered as holy matrimony before a supreme being. Attraction between individuals of the same sex has been a topic of debate since time immemorial. However, over the past few years gay individuals have opted to air grievances of oppression despite receiving tremendous critics from the public. Initially, gay marriages were unfathomable eventsRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized? Essay1828 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction What does it mean to be gay and why does society discriminate against those who are deemed to be gay? This paper establishes that being gay is primarily based on the supposition that one is either homosexual, transgender, lesbian, or bisexual. It also establishes that one of the primary reasons why gays are discriminated against within the society is religion; that some of the views held by different religious conclaves substantiate gay rejection by the society. On a more personal ratherRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legalized1280 Words   |  5 Pagescommunity and abides by the law should be afforded the rights of an American. However, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Gay and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbians couples are denied the right to marry even if they are upstanding citizens. They are held at an unfair disadvantage solely because of their sexual orientation. This discrimination must stop because gay and lesbian couples are law-abidingRead More Should gay marriages be legalized? Essay1504 Words   |  7 Pages Should same sex marriages be legal? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Same-sex marriages have been very controversial since becoming an issue in Canada regarding the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Several people state that same-sex marriages should be legal, while others disagree, saying it should not be permitted. There have been many debates and inquiries about this issue for several years; the MP’s and Parliament will finally settle the problem within the next year or so. Many are in favourRead More Gay Marriage Should be Legalized Essays1696 Words   |  7 Pages There are numerous opinions and standing views on gay marriage. The argument regarding gay marriage should be legalized or not is extremely controversial. According to an article from the Human Rights Campaign, there is nothing wrong with allowing homosexuals to have the same rights as those who are heterosexual. Every individual person should be granted equal rights, regardless of sexuality. Gay marriage should be legalized in all states and coun tries, it has been held off for too long. MoreoverRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized?727 Words   |  3 Pages Everyone, regardless of gender orientation or sexual preference deserves equal rights, such as marriage, feeling comfortable with whom they are, and being treated like any other human being. Right now gay marriage is a hot topic in many states, however, what say should the government get in who you love and want to marry? Beyond a court room, research has been done on the idea of transgenderism and what causes people to be like that or if people are truly born in the wrong bodyRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized? Essay464 Words   |  2 PagesMarriage is defined as the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life. In the definition it says couple, with out indication of gender. In our society gay marriage is a hot topic. Previously legalizing gay marriage was out of the question, but as times has changed and more liberal politicians have gained office to reflect th e views of today’s society. One of the reasons that LGBT people fight for the right to marry because married couples receive more protections and advantages in

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