Saturday, March 28, 2020

Differences between Pasteurization and Sterilization

Bacteria can be very important since they are used in making some products like wine, beer, yogurt, and cheese. However, in large amount and depending on the kind of bacteria, they can be extremely unsafe or risky. It is very hard to eliminate fully microorganisms or bacteria in any product and it is recommended that they should be reduced to suitable and safe levels.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Differences between Pasteurization and Sterilization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, sterilization and pasteurization are preferred to be used to reduce bacteria in food and other products. The challenges experienced during both processes are the measurements of temperature. Measurements on the apparatus do not often resemble the actual temperature, for instance, inside a package, a can of food or in the middle of a ham. Unlike sterilization, pasteurization is not designed to eliminate all bacteria or micr oorganisms in the product. Rather, it intends to reduce the amount of possible pathogens that are possibly to bring about diseases. Commercial-scale sterilization of food is not often common since it negatively affects the value and taste of the food or product (Bechara, 2007, p. 31). Some kinds of products, such as dairy products, can be extremely heated to make sure that pathogenic microbes are eliminated. Sterilization process is intended to eliminate all pathogenic impurities and all other microorganisms which are able to produce under standard storage temperatures. The survivors of this process will be those microorganisms which does not pose health hazard and only produce at raised temperatures. Sterilization is the full elimination or destruction of bacteria, but the process of pasteurization is to purify adequately to create the product safe without the need of harming its taste or digestibility. Few microorganisms or bacteria can survive in a temperature over 157Â ° F (Bec hara, 2007, p. 31). However, others have the ability of reproducing by generating spores which often defend against extreme heat since these heats destroy the bacteria. Dry heat eliminates bacteria often with high possibility only at a temperature of 284Â ° F, while pasteurization process reduces pathogens in food. Milk which has undergone pasteurization still may contain certain amount of bacterial pathogens. Pasteurization is considered to increase the product’s temperatures to temperatures between 155Â ° F and 170Â ° F and can sustain this temperature for around 20 minutes, and then followed by cooling process. After the process has been achieved, all the harmful bacteria or microorganisms are supposed to be eliminated.Advertising Looking for essay on food technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The pasteurization is performed for an extended period, about 170Â °F, and is intended to destroy just heat sustain able microorganisms and their spores, whereas sterilization is carried out at temperature of 250Â °F and is intended to destroy every microorganisms found in food (NataÃ… ¡a, Thorsten, Berthold, Hans, 1998). Pasteurization is more recommended over sterilization since it leaves the beneficial microorganisms which protect the substrates against other toxins. Pasteurization process is mainly used for bulk products such as wood chips, composts, straw, while sterilization process is used for all elevated nutritious substrates, such as various grains. Sterilization is very important mainly in medical fields where bacteria or other microorganisms are supposed to be killed completely. However, rubber and plastic substances, used in this process, cannot be dry-heat sterilized since temperature in the process is extremely high for these items and are often harmful (Block, 2001, p. 522). Even though formaldehydes used in sterilization are cheaper than glutaraldehydes, it is as well more irri tating to the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin, and medical practitioners considered it as a latent carcinogen. When using both substances, gloves should be used to prevent skin contact and put on eyewear to avoid splashes (Block, 2001, p. 522). The dry heat process used for sterilization penetrates substances slowly and irregularly making the food unhealthy. Milk pasteurization is considered to be at least 90 percent successful in reducing microorganisms or eliminating risky bacteria in milk. While other bacteria can survive in temperature above 157Â ° F, improved equipment is prepared to test and identify microorganisms in milk or other products being processed (NataÃ… ¡a et al., 1998). Raw milk or any other products have more content of essential or useful bacteria and enzymes than the products which have been processed. However, raw milk can be stored for a longer time and its disadvantages may go beyond its advantages. Actually, raw milk has a high possibility to contain harm ful bacteria or microorganisms; hence pasteurization is very useful in reducing the amount of pathogen bacteria in food. In contrast, raw milk contains antimicrobial characteristics, which are eliminated during the process of pasteurization, as well as various vitamins which are supposed to be available in milk.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Differences between Pasteurization and Sterilization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Pasteurization of products does not affect nutrient composition and content, while sterilization process reduces accessible nutrients in food. It is evidently that pasteurization maintains the nutrients content of the food, as it eliminates harmful microorganisms, mostly bacteria, in the food. Thus, if heat process is needed in any product to prevent any risks posed by bacteria, pasteurization is recommended than sterilization in sustaining the amount of accessible nutrients and the produ ct’s taste (NataÃ… ¡a et al., 1998). References Bechara, M. (2007). Alternative Mushroom Production Systems Using Non-composted Grain-based Substrates. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest. Block, S. (2001). Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. NataÃ… ¡a, F., Thorsten, S., Berthold, K., Hans, D. (1998). Effects of Human Milk Pasteurization and Sterilization on Available Fat Content and Fatty Acid Composition. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology Nutrition , 27(3): 317-322. This essay on Differences between Pasteurization and Sterilization was written and submitted by user Evelynn Parker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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