Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The United States and the War of 1812 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The United States and the War of 1812 - Essay Example The two houses endorsed the message and they marked an agreement, which upheld war against Britain on 18 June (Turner, 11). How the United States got associated with the War of 1812 Americans continually call the War of 1812 as the subsequent American War of Independence. The significant reasons that provoked the United States to pronounce war against the British was their consistent maltreatment of America’s power. Especially, the British meddled with the undertakings of North America. This interruption of Great Britain in North America incensed the United States (Martin, 2). In different events, the Royal Navy kept unbiased boats from getting inside the ports constrained by Napoleon. It developed that the vast majority of these impartial boats that the British halted originated from the United States. Inevitably, most Americans felt that the British were confining their significant exchange (Turner, 22). Americans likewise felt that this limitation of exchange by the British happened such that Britain didn't think about America as a sovereign country. The British proceeded with their interruption as though America didn't exist. Moreover, the British acted in an approach to recommend that America was just a youthful and minor country which didn't require regard and which couldn't represent any danger (Healey, 3). The British additionally incensed the Americans because of the propensity for the Royal Navy preventing unbiased boats from America looking for stash and miscreants who had fled from the remorseless and ruthless life on British warships (21). In certain events, the British skippers acted incautiously and even baited men who were local conceived Americans into administration on British warships. These activities by the British consistently incensed the Americans who felt that the British were meddling with their significant issues (Turner, 22). Despite the fact that America endeavored to switch these circumstances through discretionary grumbles, the British proceeded with these tasks. In another endeavor to stop these provocations, America gathered a nullify exchange limitation expected to rebuff the British, however it made numerous American dealers wiped out. America couldn't help thinking that the British were too on edge to even think about fighting Napoleon that they didn't think about the hazard of United States. Furthermore, the British couldn't have cared less of what the Americans can do since they thought about it as a youthful country without plentiful military and monetary establishment (Healey, 5). Thomas Jefferson, the American president was liable for safeguarding the countries respect. Since Jefferson was an informed individual, he quit for the day American waters from providing water to the British warships, encouraged the arrival of three sailors and requested the British to end their badgering activities towards America. Despite the fact that the British remunerated the Americans for their activities, im pressments despite everything went on unabated (Hickman, 1). There was as yet another complaint that lay at the core of American threatening vibe toward Great Britain and which incited America to join the war. During that time, America was extending its limits as it was growing out of its beach front limits westbound (1). England additionally understood the capability of this immense and as of now dealt with a huge measure of the land in its Canadian areas. Rather than leaving things the manner in which they were, the British upheld the American Indians to battle and battle against American pilgrims who were moving westbound from the first United States (Healey, 2). Most Americans in the west accepted that the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Humane Migration for Citizens Around the World Essay -- Refugees, Pro

Studies have been directed on the meaning of others conscious movement and how to accomplish this in nations around the globe. Be that as it may, conflicting examinations have been found to show that numerous individuals are disappointed with the rate individuals are relocating as the years continue. To see how both of these perspectives influence the IOM and their work with nations around the globe, the two perspectives ought to be mulled over. This paper analyzes the investigations that are for altruistic movement around the globe to suggest that extra research should be directed to more readily comprehend the perspectives these writers are making. Writing Review The book Globalization: The Making of World Society by Frank J. Lechner written in 2009, investigates the elements of globalization and the discussed issues that encompass it. Lechner contends that globalization includes individuals getting associated through a sharing of thoughts and societies. This sharing of thoughts and societies is the thing that accommodating movement intends to do. Lechner claims that globalization includes association of individuals around the globe and that residents need to cooperate, paying little heed to their nationality. Candid J. Lechner has a PhD in humanism and has distributed three books about globalization and the world society. This book is genuinely later and was distributed in 2009. Its thoughts of globalization are exceptional and incorporate measurements and research from earlier years. Lechner appears to introduce an impartial feeling all through the majority of his book, but since a portion of the book is dependent on his own convictions, so me inclination is by all accounts inescapable. Human movement could be executed by utilizing Lechner’s thoughts of globalization compelling individuals to get associated on one another. IOM could disentangle its multi... ... Print. Koser, Khalid. Presentation: International Migration and Global Governance. Global Governance (2010): 301-15. Web. 2 May 2014 Lechner, Frank J. Globalization: The Making of World Society. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Print. Munck, Ronaldo. Globalization, Migration and Work: Issues and Perspectives. Labor, Capital and Society 43 (2010): 155-77. Web. 2 May 2014. Thomas, Chantal. What Does the Emerging International Law of Migration Mean for Sovereignty? Melbourne Journal of International Law 14 (2013): 392-450. Web. 2 May 2014. Rodriguez, Robyn Magalit. Transients for Export: How the Philippine State Brokers Labor to the World. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota, 2010. Print. Zapata-Barrero, R., and A. Pecoud. New Perspectives on the Ethics of International Migration. American Behavioral Scientist 56.9 (2012): 1159-164. Print.

The Right People on the Bus

Lodging Rwanda, discharged in December of 2004, depends on the genuine story on the life of Paul Rusesabagina, an inn director of Hotel des Mille Collines, who spared the lives of 1,268 individuals even with slaughter. This film depends on the genuine occasions of the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 that happened in Kigali, the capital and biggest city of Rwanda in Africa. It addresses when the Hutu fanatics of Rwanda started a demonstration of annihilation on a huge number of the minority gathering, Tutsis. This film was coordinated/composed by Terry George and Keir Pearson.Major cast incorporate Don Cheadle (Paul Rusesabagina), Sophie Okonedo (Tatiana), Joaquin Phoenix (Jack), and Nick Nolte (Colonel Oliver of the UN). Other cast individuals incorporate Fana Mokoena (General Bizimungu of Kigali Police), Hakeem Kae-Kazim (Georges Rutaganda, pioneer of Interhamwe civilian army), and Jean Reno (Mr. Tillens, President of Sabena Airlines in Belgium). The movie’s fundamental area of reco rding was done in Kigali, Rwanda, and Johannesburg, South Africa. Pressures between the Hutu and Tutsi bunches are what lead to the war, and inevitable destruction, in Rwanda.Paul and his family witness killings in the area. Despite the fact that his significant other is Tutsi, and himself Hutu, Paul conveys insurance with individuals of impact, paying off them with cash and liquor, trying to keep up adequate impact to keep his family sheltered. At the point when the war emits and a Rwandan Army official undermines Paul and his neighbors, Paul scarcely arranges their wellbeing, and is compelled to the choice of carrying everybody to the lodging. More displaced people go to the lodging from the overburdened United Nations camp, the Red Cross, and halfway houses from everywhere throughout the country.Paul must occupy the Hutu fighters, care for the outcasts, be a wellspring of solidarity to his family, and keep up the presence of a working lavish inn as the circumstance turns out to b e progressively hazardous. The UN Peacekeeping powers, drove by Canadian Colonel Oliver (Nolte), can't make emphatic move against the Interahamwe since they are taboo to intercede in the decimation. The remote nationals are emptied, yet the Rwandans are abandoned. At the point when the UN powers endeavor to empty a gathering of evacuees, including Paul's family, they are trapped and should turn back.In a final desperate attempt to spare the displaced people, Paul begs the Rwandan Army General, Augustin Bizimungu (Mokoena) for help. In any case, when Paul's pay-offs do not work anymore, he extorts the General with dangers of being attempted as a war criminal. Before long, the family and the inn evacuees are at last ready to leave the blockaded inn in an UN caravan. They travel through withdrawing masses of displaced people and volunteer army to arrive at security behind Tutsi rebel lines. From the earliest starting point, it is unmistakably shown that there are multiple sides of the story, with different gatherings speaking to each side.The Tutsis are the ones blamed in the slaughtering for the Kigali president after his proposal of an understanding of harmony, and simply need harmony between the two gatherings. The Hutu are endeavoring to execute off any individual that is Tutsis. They accept that the Tutsis murdered the president since they need to keep the force that was left in their grasp when the Belgium left Kigali. There is likewise the UN peacekeepers and other outside militaries (French, Italian etc†¦), alluded in the film as ‘the West’. One is attempting to enable the Rwandans to remain alive, while the other is avoid the issue.In the film, Hutu fanatic views’ are indicated through the character of George Rutaganda. They reference the Tutsis as ‘cockroaches’, and how the Hutu must ascent up and dispose of any Tutsis, alongside any of the people to come. As said in the film by Rutaganda, â€Å"Hutu, we should dis pose of these cockroaches that are tainting our country†. The vast majority of this support originates from Georges Rutaganda, the pioneer of the Interhamwe state army, who addresses the Hutu fanatics through the radio, which is the main way you see the Hutu individuals speak with each other all through the entire film.Although correspondence is exclusively this, the strategic the Hutu is effectively appeared. Interestingly, while the crucial known, as referenced previously, all correspondence is through the radio, with no real physical gatherings. This was unusual to me, sending the message that choices were not made by the gathering overall, yet rather volunteer army taking requests from one pioneer (Rutaganda). Additionally it radiated the sentiment of suddenness, in spite of the fact that the film indicated that numerous Hutu were irate since power was given to the Tutsis, and not just when the Kigali president was killed.On the opposite end, the Tutsis are continually run ning looking for security from the Hutu, making an effort not to be killed. Those on their side are Rusesabagina, Colonel Oliver, and Mr. Tillens, through their own activities, individually. On various occasions all through the film, it shows how the Tutsis can't remain in their own homes and once they can't show personality cards expressing their status as Hutu, they are beaten, homes caught fire, and most streets to leave are closed off. Rusesabagina clearly utilizes the inn as an outcast camp, and Colonel Oliver battles through the entire film to get the impact of the West to stop the enocide, for he can't himself. Mr. Tillens does what he can to keep off the Hutu radicals from the lodging by keeping contact with the French, who flexibly the Hutu armed forces. Prior to watching, the surveys depicted Rusesabagina as ‘a clear saint for the Rwandans’. This was clear while seeing the film. Clearly, Paul covers a huge number of Tutsi individuals in the inn, doing all that he can to ward the Hutu off. In the initial barely any scenes of the film, this equivalent assurance isn't seen. Paul clarifies that he does everything possibly to secure his family.As he tells his better half when she instructs him to call his kin to help the neighbors being assaulted, â€Å"I give the amazing visitors of the lodging everything, so that consequently, they will ensure my family when alarming occasions come. They are our neighbors, not family. † As the assaults deteriorate, this mentality changes as a danger to slaughter a gathering of Tutsis before him is introduced. Around the start of the film, after the assaults start in Paul’s neighborhood, an enormous gathering of different Tutsis neighbors are stowing away in the Rusesabagina home. Hutu armed forces come to murder all the ‘cockroaches’ in his home, including his better half and kids.At first, Paul offers pay-offs of cash and liquor to spare just his family, yet later offers practica lly triple the measure of cash for the entire gathering, including costly gems. This is just one of the main scenes that Paul pay-offs armed forces to maintain a strategic distance from the executing of those he is ensuring. With the character of Rusesabagina, the producer depicted him as an unassuming man, without any irregularities in any of his activities. This obliges the reason for the film, which was to show the activities of a legend, who spared thousands from slaughter. The primary enemies of the film would be the Hutu.They could be viewed as scalawags for their despise for Tutsis, yet for the heartless murdering of near a million. The chiefs, did only enough in each scene to remind the ones watching that this gathering of individuals didn't need anything to do with the Tutsis. Another adversary in the film, as I would like to think, was the remote armed forces (Belgium, French and Italian). In the principal endeavor to expel the Tutsis from Kigali, it was accepted that ever y one of these militaries were going to the guide of the individuals. At the point when they really showed up, it was then clarified by Colonel Oliver, that they would just assistance clear the Americans and those from ‘the West’.This scene gives them the depiction of a miscreant, on the grounds that as Colonel Oliver says in an after scene to Paul, â€Å"You are viewed as soil to them Paul, you are not Black, you are an African†. This line was convincing for me since it indicated a sort of positioning between different races, as contrasted and the Africans, with every one of them demonstrating prevalence over them. A similar scene additionally demonstrated how individuals who may perceive what was happening in Kigali would not make a move, similar to the discussion among Paul and Jack. Jack has recently recorded film of a gathering of individuals being pounded and even hacked with machetes.Paul says to him, â€Å"How might they be able to not mediate, in the wa ke of seeing such severity? † Jack doesn’t have a similar confidence, answering, â€Å"When individuals see this, they will say â€Å"Oh, how horrible† and continue having supper. † It was after these scenes that Paul understands that accepting he was one of them, and all that he has done (adjusting to their ways, fitting in with each need and need), was to no end. After this scene, it is said ordinarily, particularly by Rusesabagina, that they were all alone, and everybody had relinquished them.If this were valid, at that point they would not have the UN peacekeepers, who were predictable partners. This was the main logical inconsistency I found with the adversaries. On the off chance that somebody just viewed the initial not many scenes of the film, it could be confused that Paul had numerous impacts supporting him through the finish of the destruction (or for this situation, the film). His primary partners in the film were Colonel Oliver, Mr. Tillens in Belgium, and General Bizumungu. Of these partners, it was seen that the General was just aiding in light of the fact that he was continually being paid off, and not out of kindness.With Colonel Oliver, he generally returned to Paul once he knew about any chances to get the individuals out of Kigali. From the outset, I expected that the UN was against the individuals of Kigali, since they were provided requests to not endeavor to stop the massacre, or in the expressions of Oliver, â€Å"We are peacekeepers, not peacemakers†. This is the place the crowd can believe that everybody has surrendered them. This supposition that was taken care of once the UN peacekeepers experience different endeavors, and

Friday, August 21, 2020

Head a College Essay by Following These Easy Steps

Head a College Essay by Following These Easy StepsWriting a college essay is definitely not an easy task. Many students feel that they are not good enough to tackle such a difficult assignment, and they try to outsource the job. However, this is not the best way to head a college essay. It will only result in your grade dropping and having a hard time writing an essay on your own.Therefore, if you want to head a college essay on your own, then you need to follow these easy steps. The first thing that you need to do is come up with a topic for your essay. What I mean by this is you need to have a reason why you are writing a certain essay and why you want people to read it.When you come up with the topic for your essay, you need to begin thinking about the types of questions that will be asked by the professor, and why you want to answer those questions. When you do this, you will be able to come up with the right questions for yourself and will know what to head a college essay with. After you have an idea of the type of questions that will be asked, you can begin to brainstorm about the answers to those questions.The next simple step to take when you want to head a college essay is to write down all of the information that you think you may need to write about in your essay. When you come up with the list of information that you think you will need to write about, you should write down everything that you think you may need to address. You can even come up with a list of specific topics that you think you may need to tackle in your essay.The last and probably the most important step that you can take to help you head a college essay on your own is to turn your list of information into a list of questions. It is important that you write down aspecific list of questions before you start writing your essay. If you want to head a college essay on your own, then you need to make sure that you come up with specific questions to answer.The most important part of any college essay is the content, so when you are brainstorming on topics to cover in your essay, then you must ensure that you come up with the content. As long as you are able to come up with the content of your essay, then you will have the proper tools that you need to write an essay on your own. The content of your essay can be put together using only your list of questions and the list of topics that you came up with.There are many ways that you can come up with a topic for your college essay. If you just spend the majority of your time on other people's essay, then you may not be able to write your own content. This is where the internet comes in handy. You can use the internet to find different essays that are on the same topic as yours, so you can write a few paragraphs based on the essay that you like.If you take the time to take some time to brainstorm, to come up with a topic for your college essay, and to put together a list of questions, then you will be able to write a gr eat college essay on your own. When you do this, you will not only be able to write a great essay, but you will also be able to ace the test that you are given. Therefore, if you want to head a college essay on your own, then you need to be willing to take some time and to brainstorm a lot.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Understanding and Managing the Customer Relationship Life Cycle

Understanding and Managing the Customer Relationship Life Cycle STAGES OF THE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP LIFE CYCLE Over the last few decades, business has moved away from focusing solely on products and services. A new paradigm has entered almost every market place. This shift now focuses heavily on the customer, less on the product. Today’s businesses know that if the business plan is to be successful, it needs to operate with its customers in mind.The Customer Development model created by Steve Blank is only one part of this change in how success is defined. Although Blank’s model is integral to the process, it is not the key to success. Blank teaches businesses of all types how to find, validate and create their customers. But it is also important to continue on your businesses’ journey by following three more steps: getting customers, keeping customers and growing customers. This is what Blank refers to as the Customer Relationship Life Cycle.The Customer Relationship Life Cycle will teach you how to move on past the initial Customer Development phases and learn how to make sure that th e customers you create end up being the customers you keep. Based on Customer Development Model created by Steve BlankIn this article, youll learn about 1) the primary phases of the customer relationship life cycle, 2) how to measure success, and 3) how the customer relationship life cycle is different for different industries.STAGES OF THE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP LIFE CYCLELearning about and validating your customers is an essential part of starting your business. But what do you do once you have successfully identified and created your main customer base?When you reach this part of the life of your business, you can employ the Customer Relationship Life Cycle. Like the Customer Development model, this life cycle focuses on customers rather than products. There is a product life cycle that you can follow but it should never replace the customer life cycle.In Blank’s method, there are three primary phases that you will move through during this life cycle:Get CustomersKeep CustomersGrow CustomersWhile there are only three basic steps, these st eps change depending on the kind of product that you are working with. This difference is generally found between physical products (like electronics or apparel) and web mobile products (those you cannot physically hold in your hand, like Netflix).[cp_modal id=cp_id_75506] [/cp_modal]Physical Customer Relationship Life Cycle1. Get CustomersWhen you have a physical product to offer your customer, you will begin to get your customers through both earned and paid media. Both of these types of media are useful for you and both should be utilized.  When deployed correctly, this media will drive awareness to your product and to your company. This awareness is not enough to get customers. It must go one step further. It must create demand and drive interest.You do not just want to send your name or your product out into the media for the public to be aware of. It needs to be attached to a value proposition that will drive customer interest.  This interest will then drive customers to consider the value of your product. This consideration will ideally lead to them becoming customers.However, you do not have a customer until a purchase has been made and money has exchanged hands. Someone who browses your website occasionally is not a customer when you are offer ing a physical product. You have acquired a new customer only when payment has been taken and the product has been received. This is your opportunity to not only get a customer but keep that customer and use them to grow your customer base.2. Keep CustomersOnce that customers buy from you, you must figure out how to keep them. Keeping a customer is not about building a bigger and better product to keep them coming back for more. Instead, it is all about building a relationship with them.You can do this through several means:Customer satisfaction surveys are a valuable tool in customer retention. Not only do they give the customer a voice but they also allow you figure out what you could be doing better. This is very valuable data for any company.Loyalty programs are another solid way of keeping customers. Customers love to work for greater rewards. It is partly because they feel like they are getting something for nothing. It is also partly because they feel valued. A loyalty progra m has both merits and disadvantages. Still, it is great for retaining customers when it is deployed properly.Customer check-in calls are also essential. This does not mean that you should spam your customer with a call center. In fact, this is a good way to turn customers off in many markets. Instead, you can offer customers an opportunity to speak directly with you about their thoughts and opinions on the product, service and your company.  You do not need to call every customer. But the selection you do call will often be pleased that you asked them about what they really think. This two-way method of communication is great for driving relationships.There are some metrics to consider during this phase:You need to be considering your churn rate during this phase. Your customer churn rate signifies how many clients you have lost once you have reached this phase. This means that have secured a sale but now the customer has dropped out of the customer life cycle.Your churn rate is imp ortant because if affects your customer’s lifetime value. The lifetime value of a customer is the prediction of a net profit that is attributed to your relationship with that customer.  If your customers are making a single purchase before disappearing, the lifetime value of the customer is small.3. Grow CustomersGrowing your customers starts with un-bundling. The ultimate goal of maintaining your customers is to be able to ask them for referrals. But to make it easier on the customers you already have, you should offer a product that is broken down into smaller parts.Breaking the product down into multiple offers is not a problem. You can also up-sell products. This is an opportunity to let referred customers get in on the action without the risk and then offer them the full product at an ideal price.Cross-selling products is one step up from an up-sell. When you cross-sell your product, you are selling a product that is related to but not a part of a product that the customer pr eviously purchased.Once you are able to cross-sell (successfully sell two separate but related products), you will be able to as for referrals. These referrals are very valuable because they help grow your customer baseDuring this phase, you will want to consider the following metric:Customer lifetime value, at noted before, is the estimate of how much money your customers will spend with you over the life time of your relationship.  You can calculate this with the following equation: Lifetime= 1/Churn.  You then take the Lifetime figure and put it into the following equation: Lifetime Customer Value = (Average Monthly Payment x Gross Margin %) / Churn Rate.Web mobile Customer Relationship Life Cycle1. Get customersGetting your customers when you offer a web mobile product is different than when you have a physical product. Although you will still use earned and paid media to acquire the customers, there are fewer steps.When you are using media of any kind to acquire customers, you want to be wary of the cost. You will usually measure this by cost per thousand hits.  This means that you want to know roughly how much you spent on media to get around 1,000 hits. You will want to measure this a few times to make sure that you know where the customers are coming from. This prevents you from investing in media that offers little return.  This also allows you to see if your most valuable traffic is organic or if you are paying for it through media activities.Once you have acquired your customers, you need to activate them. This means collecting their data from them.  At this point, you will want to note your cost per action (CPA). The cost per action agreement will relate directly to your advertising costs. A cost per action is not a cost per click. Instead, a cost per action is based on a qualifying action. For example, you might have an agreement that you only pay for advertisements that resulted in registration on your site. Cost per action is a low risk form of advertising for businesses. But it is still essential to know how much you are paying just to get people to perform an action with your site.2. Keep CustomersKeeping customers is just as important when you offer a web mobile product. However, you will go about it slightly differently.  Outreach programs are a great way to keep customers while still growing them. Outreach programs are great for current customers to share the service on social media and get a reward in return.  Loyalty programs also work on the online mobile platform.  You can also keep up to date with customers with blogs, emails and RSS feeds.  Some companies choose to keep customers by running contests or events. These can also be bundled into your outreach program.3. Grow CustomersGrowing customers is relatively similar on internet mobile products as it is with physical products. You want to give them a chance to pick up a smaller product at smaller price. Then you can up-sell, next-sell and cross-sell to both exi sting and referred customers.  Ultimately, you want it to be as easy as possible for your customers to send you referrals. When you get these referrals, they should always start back at the acquire phase and make their way back. This viral loop is important for the success of growing your customers.MEASURING THE SUCCESS OF YOUR CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP LIFE CYCLEHow you measure the success of your Customer Relationship Life Cycle is up to you. It can be simple or it can be complex. You can choose to do it over a number of years or over a number of months. All of this depends on the kind of business you run. The following metrics can be used in the Customer Relationship Life Cycle to determine your success at varying stages of the program.It is important to perform these measurements throughout the program. This is because you do not want to keep sending customers down a leaky sales funnel. It is better to figure out where the weak points are early. Then, they can be fixed and you can r educe your churn rate.Remember that marketing is not based on your gut instincts alone. It is a science that requires measurement.The biggest overall metric that you will use is the cost to acquire a customer (CAC). The CAC is the total amount of money that you spend on bringing a customer to the point that they make their first purchase. These costs can include inbound marketing, free trials, conversions, inside sales, channels and partnerships.You need to be able to achieve a balance of the CAC with the customer’s lifetime value. A balanced company will spend less on acquiring customers than it will receive of the course of the relationship with the customer. Ideally, your lifetime value should be greater than three times the CAC. In simpler terms, you can say: LTV 3x CAC.Additionally, you need to be recovering your CAC quickly. For true capital efficiency, you should be recovering the CAC less than 12 months from when you acquired the customer.In addition to this metric, you s hould be use other metrics as you move through the life cycle. Some additional of the metrics that you can use include:1. Get CustomersChannel Specific Traffic:  This will help you determine where your traffic is coming from. This is important because looking only at your total site visits won’t tell you which channels are performing well.  You should look at four main channels:Direct channels tell you how many people navigated straight to your site.Referrals tell you who clicked on an external link on another site.Organic channels are visitors who found you through a search engine.Social channels are those who found you on social media.Cost per Lead:  The cost per lead metric will depend on the strategy you use for each channel.  Calculating your cost per lead requires you to divide the number of leads you received from a channel but the amount of money you spent on that channel.Cost per Lead = Channel Spending/ Number of Leads2. Keep CustomersCustomer Retention Rate:  The keep p hase is a good place to measure the customer retention rate. The customer retention rate should be measured in some form throughout the life cycle. However, it is especially important here.  You can measure the success of your retention programs directly against your customer retention rate. Not every program will work with every market. It is important to abandon or adapt programs that are not helping you retain customers.3. Grow CustomersConversions:  You should be looking at the number of people who enter the lifecycle and the number who make it through the grow stage. This figure will demonstrate the number of leads that you have transformed into valuable customers.Return on Investment:  Your ROI is one of the most important metrics that you can measure. This is a different metric than the cost to acquire a customer (CAC) metric). ROI demonstrates how profitable your campaign is.  To calculate your ROI, you can compare your cost per lead with your lead to close ration.  Then, yo u compare the result with the customer lifetime value.CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP LIFE CYCLE FOR DIFFERENT INDUSTRIESThe Customer Relationship Life Cycle is a great example of a general cycle for managing your customers. Its generality is one of its advantages because you can apply it to many different markets. But it is important to remember that each market should be treated as a distinct market. You cannot use the same life cycle for every organization because different organizations target different customers.Here are some examples of how different industries might adapt the Customer Relationship Life Cycle to suit its particular needs:TechnologyCloud Services1. Get CustomersMany cloud services in technology operate in one of two ways. Some use freemiums to increase interest. Some use partnerships to increase interest and drive demand.  Most cloud computing services offer scaled packages. Customers can sign up for the amount of storage they need at the time.  Cloud services then offer their customers a variety of products. The biggest products include public, private and hybrid cloud computing.2. Keep CustomersCustomers are then coaxed along by the service provider to ensure that the provider is meeting the business’ needs.  Some service providers offer additional products to existing customers. Some will add on free storage to retain customers.3. Grow CustomersService providers then offer businesses the opportunity to scale their business within the same services through up-selling. This up-sell will usually be an increase in cloud space.  Service providers also cross-sell security and mobile opportunities. By doing this, they eliminate the customer’s need to shop around for other services.  At this stage, they can ask for referrals and the cycle starts again.Finance Consumer Banking1. Get CustomersBanks draw in customers through the media. They often offer introductory rates to increase the number of leads that are turned into customers.  Banks often offe r basic savings and checking accounts to new customers.  Some banks offer customers the chance for bigger introductory offers if they switch from another bank.2. Keep CustomersBanks keep customers by offering more complex services and better rates.  Banks also have customer-facing employees who work with customers on a daily basis. This is one of the ways they take feedback. Some customers build relationships with their banker and this prevents churn.  Banks will often offer better rates to long term customers which incentivizes customers to stay.3. Grow CustomersBanks will offer programs that evolve with every customer.  A bank will start by offering basic products. However, it will allow customers to grow an ecosystem of financial products that are managed all in one place. This includes lending options, credit options and more advanced saving options.  Banks will sometimes offer referrals to customers to encourage current customers to sign up new customers.Web platform1. Get Cust omersWebsites use a variety of media to direct customers to their page.  Customers are then asked to fill out their information. This is where an acquisition becomes an activation.  In some cases, the website will offer discounts on first orders just for entering an email address. This speeds up the transition.  This activation sends a request to sales teams to help process a sale.2. Keep customersTo keep customers, websites and online platforms will send email reminders. This is especially true for customers who have been activated but have not purchased.  Web platforms will also encourage customers to visit social media and other sites for more information or exclusive opportunities.  To keep the customer, the website has to close the sale.3. Grow customersWeb platform companies also have to up-sell and cross-sell. It is not enough to offer one product. There must be a reason to drive customers back to the site.  This is especially true if the web platform is offering a freemium p roduct. There needs to be value in scaling up or making a purchase.  Web platforms are also in a unique position because they can make the referral process relatively painless. Some web platforms offer incentives for customers who use social sharing. The platform may also reach out to certain customers who can become online influencers.While the customer life cycle is all about growing and adapting to the customer’s changing needs, the way that you do this depends on the industry that you are in. You will notice that each option is innovating alongside the changing landscape of its customer. The landscapes in industries change at different rates and in different ways but companies in both sectors can adapt to these changes when they have meaningful relationships with their customers.If a customer goes to a cloud service provider looking for service but the service provider does not offer the customer the opportunity to scale according to their needs, they are more likely to switch service providers to someone who is interested in their evolving business.A customer life time cycle is not about big leaps but small hops.CONCLUSIONUnderstanding the Customer Relationship Life Cycle is all about understanding the customer and their needs. Without this understanding, it is impossible to move customers past the first purchase. It is important to remember that understanding your customer does not just end with the Customer Development model. It must go into building a relationship with them as well. When you can build valuable relationships with your customers, your customers will offer more value to your company.