Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Play Snowball Fight to Break the Ice or Review Lessons

Theres probably nothing more fun than a snowball fight, particularly at school. This paper snowball fight doesn’t send icy shivers down the neck of your jacket or sting your face. It’s just an effective icebreaker designed to let students get to know each other or help you review a particular lesson or specific content. This game works with a group of at least a dozen people. It can also work well with a very large group, such as a lecture class or club meeting. You can use the icebreaker with students individually or divide into them into groups. General Steps Gather paper from your recycle bin, so long as one side is blank, then follow these steps. Have students: Write  one sentence or question—the content depends upon the context—on a piece of paper.Ball up their paper.Throw their snowballs.Pick up someone elses snowball and read the sentence aloud or answer the question. Using the Activity as a Mixer If you use the paper snowball fight to help students become acquainted, give them one piece of paper each and ask them to write their name and three fun things about themselves, such as, Jane Smith has six cats. Alternatively, write questions to be answered by the reader, for example, Do you have pets? Have them crumple the paper into a snowball. Divide the group into two teams on opposite sides of the room and let the snowball fight begin. You can have players write appropriate questions, or write the questions yourself to avoid any embarrassment and speed the process. The second alternative is particularly effective with younger students. When you say, Stop, each student should pick up the nearest snowball and find the person whose name is inside. Once everyone has found their snowman or snowwoman, have them introduce him to the rest of the group. For Academic Review To use the icebreaker to review content of a previous lesson or for test preparation, ask students to write a fact or question regarding the topic you want to review. Provide each student with several pieces of paper so there is abundant snow. If you want to ensure that students cover certain issues, add some snowballs of your own. Use this icebreaker in a wide range of contexts and for many different purposes. For example: Write review facts on snowballs and have students read them aloud, such as, Mark Twain was the author of Huckleberry Finn. Write review questions on snowballs and have students answer them, for example, Who wrote Huckleberry Finn? Write conceptual questions for students to answer, such as, What is the role of the character of Jim in Huckleberry Finn? When the snowball fight is over, each student will pick up a snowball and answer the question in it. If your room can accommodate this, have students remain standing during this exercise since they’ll be picking up snowballs throughout the activity. Moving around also helps people retain learning, and it’s a great way to energize a classroom. Post-Activity Debriefing Debriefing is necessary only if you’re recapping or prepping for a test. Ask questions such as: Were all the topics covered?Which questions were the hardest to answer?Were there any that were too easy? Why is that?Does everybody have a thorough understanding of the subject? If youve reviewed a lesson on the book, Huckleberry Finn, for example, you might ask students who the author of the book was, who were the main characters, what was their role in the story, and how students themselves felt about the book.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Star Wars Informative Speech Essay - 764 Words

Star Wars What movie franchise has been the most powerful film franchise in history? Who could forget traveling through space fighting evil, using the force, and defeating the empire? Yes I am talking about Star Wars. The franchise includes 6 movies and countless games, toys, and books. Now I know yall must be thinking â€Å"she only thinks star wars in so important cause it’s her favorite movie or she’s a geek or something like that† Well to be honest I have never in my life seen any of the movies. I’ve seen bits and pieces but none of them the whole way through. Although that it true Star Wars has influenced my life. Star Wars is and will be for years to come the most influential, powerful, and profitable franchise in history. The saga†¦show more content†¦That number is a far stretch from $4.5 billion right? Well the Star wars franchise includes much more than just the 6 movies box office totals. The video and DVD sales are about $3 billion 775 million as said by statistic brain. This includes all DVDs and movies from all 6 movies and Star wars the clone wars. The video game sales grossed $2.9 billion. These games range from the oldest super Nintendo games to the newer PlayStation and Xbox games. The book sales have grossed $1.82 billion. This is an example of just 1 of the 23 books my boyfriend alone has, all together there are over 100 books written. The toy sales have grossed 12 billion this includes all collectibles, action figures, and toys such as puzzles, Legos, coloring books, or bobble heads that talk. The last bit is considered â€Å"other† which includes licensing, television shows, and merchandise grossed appx. $1.304 billion to date. Merchandise includes Pez despisers, posters, and any other Star Wars affiliated product. Now let’s discuss the creator George Lucus and the producer of the movies 20th Century Fox. George Lucus’ net worth is believed to be between $3.4 and $3.6 billion and growing. He wrote every movie and through negotiation kept all rights to the movies and all affiliates so to this day continues to get profits from all Star Wars licensed products. 20th century fox grossed appx. $2 billion 730 million 270 thousand 5 dollars from producing all of the movies. Originally aroundShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Barack Obama s Third Presidential State Of The Union Address1218 Words   |  5 Pages2012, in Washington D.C. In his speech, he discusses the need to augment the economy through the growth of manufacturing, education, the energy sector, and American values. Obama’s purpose is to impress upon fellow Americans that if we work together we can create â€Å"an America built to last†. He adopts an optimistic tone in order to convey to Americans the idea: as long as we maintain a common purpose, we can create a great nation. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Superstitious belief free essay sample

Historical backround http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Superstition The word superstition is first used in English in the 15th century, modelled after an earlier French superstition. The earliest known use as an English noun occurs in Friar Daws Reply (ca. 1420), where the foure general synnes are enumerated as Cediciouns, supersticions, ? e glotouns, ? e proude. The French word, together with its Romance cognates (Italian superstizione, Spanish supersticion, Portuguese supersticao, Catalan supersticio) continues Latin superstitio. From its first use in the Classical Latin of Livy and Ovid (1st century BC), the term is used in the pejorative sense it still holds today, of an excessive fear of the gods or unreasonable religious belief, as opposed to religio, the proper, reasonable awe of the gods. While the formation of the Latin word is clear, from the verb super-stare, to stand over, stand upon; survive, its original intended sense is less than clear. We will write a custom essay sample on Superstitious belief or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It can be interpreted as ‘standing over a thing in amazement or awe,[4] but other possibilities have been suggested, e. g. the sense of excess, i. e.  overscrupulousness or over-ceremoniousness in the performing of religious rites, or else the survival of old, irrational religious habits. Cicero derived the term from the term superstitiosi, lit. those who are left over, i. e. survivors, descendants, connecting it with excessive anxiety of parents in hoping that their children would survive them to perform their necessary funerary rites. [7] The Latin verb superstare itself is comparatively young, being perhaps not ante-Augustan, first found in Livy, and the meaning to survive is even younger, found in late or ecclesiastical Latin, for the first time in Ennodius. The use of the noun by Cicero and Horace thus predates the first attestation of the verb. [citation needed] The term superstitio, or superstitio vana vain superstition, was applied in the 1st century to those religious cults in the Roman Empire which were officially outlawed. This concerned the religion of the druids in particular, which was described as a superstitio vana by Tacitus, and Early Christianity, outlawed as a superstitio Iudaica in AD 80 by Domitian. t B. Definition of superstitious belief http://www. thefreedictionary. com/Superstitious+belief http://www. merriam-webster. Superstitious belief, by definition, have no scientific basis. Science requires that ideas are tested in a way that is repeatable and falsifiable. Falsifiable means that there must be a way that the test shows that a stated belief is not true, while most superstitions rely on metaphysical entities or powers that are so vague they can not be dis-proven. A belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition C. Types of Superstitious Beliefs http://www. catalogs. com/info/history/common-superstitions. html http://en. wikipilipinas. org/index. php? title=Philippine_Beliefs_and_Superstitions 1. Pregnancy All windows and doors should be wide close for the laboring mother’s easy delivery. Pregnant women should avoid witnessing her husband, so that when born their babies would not have the habit of winking the eyes abnormally. An expectant mother should not act as sponsor in a baptismal ceremony to avoid difficulty in delivering her baby or to avoid the death of the fetus or of the newly baptized child. Sitting on the threshold of the house by a pregnant woman will result in a difficult delivery. Taking pictures of a pregnant woman will cause an abortion or a difficult delivery. An expectant mother should have her house neither constructed nor remodeled to avoid difficulty in delivering her baby. Do not partake of the food being eaten by an expecting mother. If you do, you will either become sleepy or will feel drowsy or sick. The new mother should avoid itchy or scratchy foods like gabi, and round fruits or root crops such as citrus, ube, tugui, and coconut for three weeks so her inner organs can return to normal. Do not leave the ladle on top or inside of the rice kettle, but set it aside until more rice is needed. This is done so that childbirth will not be difficult. A visitor must not sit or stand on the ladder or at the door, but come inside so that delivery will not be hard. The mother should not eat shellfish. These are slippery and if they are taken from the brook, the baby may be expelled from the womb. An expectant mother should not eat fish from pointed shells lest the baby have too much mucus or drool too much. A pregnant woman is not allowed to cut her hair, she will give birth to a bald baby. Pregnant women should not cry because they will suffer a difficult birth, and the baby will become sensitive and a crybaby. Miscarriages only occur during the odd-numbered months of pregnancy. Taking a bath before delivery will hasten the birth of the baby, as well as of the placenta. An expectant mother should not participate in funeral activities. Doing so would endanger the mother and the baby during delivery. If a pregnant woman wears clothes which were hung overnight, the fetus will be affected. It is believed that when denied the food a pregnant mother likes, her child will salivate profusely and will be prone to vomiting. A pregnant woman should eat all the food on her plate, so that when she delivers, everything will come out, leaving her womb clean. A comb is submerged in coconut milk with sugar to make the mothers breast full of milk. 2. General Health Sleeping after taking a bath during daytime or at night will result in blindness. A menstruating woman should not eat sweets lest blood flow stop and cause illness or death. Let a dog lick your wounds, and the wounds will be healed. Sleeping with wet hair makes one crazy. When one is wounded during high tide, much blood will ooze out. After circumcision, a boy should not step on a mortar or pestle; otherwise, his organ will grow as big as these. When one is sick with smallpox, he must be given all the things he wishes; otherwise he will die. The successive birth of four children of the same sex is believed to endanger the life of the parent of the same sex. Children are advised not to bite banana leaves, as this is believed to cause tooth decay. One should not eat mollusks when he has wounds, otherwise, his wounds will grow big. A sick person is always believed to grow worse when the moon is full. If the patient does not recover before one lunar month has elapsed and the moon once more assumes this phase, the case is considered hopeless. Taking a bath at night will cause anemia or low blood pressure. Taking a bath on New Year’s Day and/or Good Friday will cause one to get sick. If the family is eating and a member arrives, he is not permitted to join the others in the meal, for if this rule is violated and a member of the household becomes ill, the others may become ill too. Menstruating girls should not eat papaya to avoid whitish blood, nor liver or blood, as they will cause a strong flow. Asthma can be cured by putting a cat near the throat and the chest and at the same time reciting a prayer. Sore eyes can be cured by washing the eyes with the first urine early in the morning. A child who plays with fallen unripe coconuts will suffer body swelling. Parents who despise ugly children will bear an ugly child. Parents who despise or laugh at twins will have twins. 3. Wedding Brides shouldn’t try on their wedding dress before the wedding day or the wedding will not push through. Knives and other sharp and pointed objects are said to be a bad choice for wedding gifts for this will lead to a broken marriage. Giving an arinola (chamberpot) as wedding gift is believed to bring good luck to newlyweds. Altar-bound couples are accident-prone and therefore must avoid long drives or traveling before their wedding day for safety. The groom who sits ahead of his bride during the wedding ceremony will be a hen-pecked husband. Rains during the wedding means prosperity and happiness for the newlyweds. A flame extinguished on one of the wedding candles means the one whose candle was extinguished will die ahead of the other. Throwing rice confetti at the newlyweds will bring them prosperity all their life. The groom must arrive before the bride at the church to avoid bad luck. Breaking something during the reception brings good luck to the newlyweds. The bride should step on the groom’s foot while walking towards the altar if she wants him to agree to her every whim. A bride who wears pearls on her wedding will be an unhappy wife experiencing many heartaches and tears. Dropping the wedding ring, the veil, or the arrhae during the ceremony spells unhappiness for the couple. The member of the couple stands first after the ceremony, will die ahead of the other. A bride who cries during the wedding will bring bad luck to the marriage. It is bad omen for the newlywed couple if their parents cry during the wedding. Upon entering their new home, the couple should go up the stairs alongside each other so that neither one will dominate the other. An unwed girl who follows the footprints of a newlywed couple will marry soon. If a woman is widowed during the new moon, she will marry again. A person who habitually sits at the head of the table during meals will never marry.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Man And The Universe By Pascal Essays - Religion, Philosophy

Man And The Universe By Pascal Pascal builds his argument in "Man and the Universe" out of a series of paradoxes, seemingly contradictory truths. In writing, "Man and the Universe," Pascal reflected his views on what is our place in the world as human beings. Pascal's writing shows a harmony between mathematical certainty and moral truths in support of his argument. In his "Pensees" or "Thoughts," Pascal hoped to integrate scientific progress with the notion of humankind's fallen state. Many suggest that Pascal is the "master of paradox." A paradox is an idea or situation that appears to contradict itself but that is nevertheless true. The purpose of a paradox is to provoke fresh thought and draw the reader's attention. An example of a paradox is the statement, "Less is more." In addressing his point of view of the universe, Pascal wrote, "I will picture to him not only the visible universe, but the conceivable immensity of nature, in the compass of this abbreviation of an atom." Pascal reduces the apparently infinitely great and large to its actual small position. Pascal uses this paradox to show the universe and its great magnitude compared to an atom. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word, "magnitude" as "greatness in size or extent." In mathematics and physics, the term magnitude is used to describe the amount or quantity of an object or equation. An example of this is the volume of a sphere or the length of a vector. In chemistry, the atom is the smallest unit of an element. This is a paradox because something great in size as the universe is obviously not the size of an atom. When Pascal wrote this, he did not intend to make it something literal; as in showing a comparison between the universe and an atom. Rather, it was meant to be something figurative. In Pascal's point of view, the world (the earth) is an atom. The element involved in Pascal's paradox is the universe itself. Therefore, it is implied that the universe, or the"element," is composed of a great amount of planets, or "atoms." Pascal speaks to mankind, "let him view therein an infinity of worlds, each of which has its firmament, its planets, its earth, in the same proportion as the visible world...." It is implied that man has the knowledge that they are very small beings compared to the greatness and vastness of the universe. Imagine man as being as a grain of sand within the extent a desert. We are a grain of sand. Composed with many other grains, we are able to make the desert. It is microscopic in comparison to the immensity of the desert. The universe is just a little dot in nature; a spec in nature. Our ideas and thoughts are also a spec in the midst of the infinite. Paradoxically, greatness is shown to be the illusion of relative perspective. Pascal changes perspective in order to view the same object as a world in itself relative to the number and complexity of its divisions. This is mathematical. When we divide, we are not a whole any longer. In changing perspective, Pascal wrote, "...let a mite exhibit to him in the exceeding smallness of its body parts incomparably smaller, limbs with joints, veins in these limbs, blood in these veins, humors in this blood, globules in these humors, gases in these globules; let him, still dividing these last objects, exhaust his powers of conception, and let the ultimate object at which he can arrive now be the subject of our discourse..." Paradoxically, the infinitely small now has an infinity of parts. In support of his description of human beings, Pascal wrote, "What a chimera, then, is man! What a novelty, what a monster, what a chaos, what a subject of contradiction, what a prodigy!" When Pascal is speaking of human beings, he uses a tone of pity. He has feelings of sorrow and grief for the "misfortune" of man. Pascal calls man a "chimera," a fabulous creature, then calls him a novelty. He calls man a contradiction; the equivalence of paradox. He also adds, "what a prodigy!" A prodigy is a person with exceptional talents and abilities. If man, indeed is a prodigy, how is he also a monster and chaos? This paradox is used in support of the following paradox. In the midst of his argument, Pascal wrote, "A judge of all things, feeble worm of the earth, depository of the truth, cloaca of uncertainty and error, the glory and the shame of